Pastor Jon Bauman

Our Senior Pastor, Jon Bauman, has been a part of our church since May 2015, and has always been a part of the Quakertown community.
Pastor Jon has been serving in youth ministry in various churches for 10 years, and attained his Bachelors in Business Administration in 2010, and his Masters of Divinity in 2020. He served as our Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries from May of 2015 until October of 2020 when he was called to the role of Associate Pastor by the congregation. He was officially ordained as a reverend in the United Church of Christ on November 22, 2020 and became our senior pastor in October, 2022.
At the age of 15, Jon had a turning point in his faith that caused him to “pursue God with intention”. He had been raised in a Christian home, but there’s a difference between believing something because your parents believe it, and believing in something because you believe it yourself. Ever since then, Jon has prayed for God to direct him to where he needs to go. This has caused him to get involved in worship music leading, youth ministry, preaching, go to bible college, work in the business field, volunteer for churches, work at First UCC, go to seminary, and finally to be called as First UCC’s Senior Pastor.
Hobbies and interests: Jon enjoys spending time with his wife, reading theology books, other non-fiction works, and reading Star Wars novels. He also enjoys playing guitar and singing, fishing, and taking his dog on many adventures.