What We Believe
We affirm the following as instructions for Christians and Churches to follow:
The Greatest Commandments:
We will each love God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. (Mark 12:30).
We will love our neighbor as our selves. (Mark 12:31, Luke 10:36-37).
The New Commandment:
Our love for one another will identify us to the world. (John 13:34-35).
The Great Commission:
We proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, baptize new believes, teach them what Jesus taught, and encourage them to disciple others. (Matthew 28:19-20).
The Great Mission:
We will care for the hungry, thirsty, unclothed, homeless, sick, and imprisoned. (Matthew 25:30).
A Charge To Churches:
We will fully engage with God to reflect Jesus and to grow in faith, numbers, impact, and love. (Matthew 5: 16).
We are a community of faith that centers our belief and actions on Jesus Christ; on His teachings, ministry, and His gift of Salvation for all who come to Him.
The following are things that Individuals should ascribe to:
We will be recognizable by our love.
Love enables us to flourish in this life and prepare for the next life. We will offer welcome, encourage belonging, provide safety, share experiences, employ creativity, show compassion, exhibit kindness, support needs, teach truth, empower callings, celebrate vision, and view the world as God sees it.
We will be guided by Jesus and help all to know Him as Savior.
To have eternal life is to place belief in Jesus and God’s grace. This gift is received immediately upon honest profession of faith. To have Jesus as Lord is to act according to His teachings and become like Him.
We will base our beliefs and actions on prayer and on Biblical Witness.
Study, prayer, meditation, consideration of context, and leading by the Holy Spirit are essential for interpreting Scripture as a faith community.